5 steps to PEACE … Where are you on the path?
1. P-retending to Be What You Are Not
2. E-goic Striving
3. A-dmitting Dissonance and Confusion
4. C-oming Clean
5. E-xperiencing Ecstasy and Oneness
Step 1 — Pretending to Be What You Are Not
•Simply conform to what’s expected
•Are pre-occupied with meeting your needs for survival
•Have resorted to merely escaping the pain of rejection
Step 2 — Egoic Striving
•Strive for more to prove your worth
•Worry about how others judge you
•Find excuses to take care of others, rather than yourself
Step 3 — Admitting Dissonance and Confusion
•Are confused about who you are
•Realize you feel disconnected
•See the humor in sitting down with a carton of ice cream
Step 4 — Coming Clean
•Choose to be your true self, regardless of
•Let go of control and risk “failure”
•Stop trying to be right and make others wrong
Step 5 — Experiencing Ecstasy and Oneness
•Feel radiant instead of flawed; look radiant instead of
•Feel connected instead of isolated or used
•Are virtually free of fear, stress, and negative emotion