Some people live life as though it is a scientific experiment — or worse yet, a scientific coincidence or accident. I believe in science. I believe God to be a scientist. I also believe Him to be a masterful artist and a mystic, the creator and the force behind everything good. I believe God to be love.
Life without that belief is empty, at least emptier than I want my life to be. You could argue (and I have, in my own mind) that I believe because I want to, because I can’t bear the thought of an empty or accidental existence. But I have evidence. It is both everywhere and nowhere, tangible and intangible. Einstein said, “There are two ways to live your life — one is as though nothing is a miracle, the other is as though everything is a miracle.”
Looking out the window as it rained, it struck me that the sky could not contain itself. Neither could I. I wanted to play in the rain. Sam was out-of-character reluctant, but we ran outside together. I raised my arms in surrender to the heavens, to God, and sang. I don’t want to be contained!
Life is to be lived. When we are not sure what that looks like, we can wait silently; but when you must do something, don’t shy away from the forces of nature. They are the forces of God. Run with them. Dance with them. Sing with them. Cry with them. Sit with them. Let them show you the way.
The path is neither empty nor random. Sometimes it is dark. But the sun is faithful.