We can tell what we’re ready for by what comes our way. And instead of lamenting what’s presented — because we were hoping for something else — we can be grateful for the gift. We can recognize that it is in fact a gift and that it is what we’re ready for. Only when we truly appreciate the gift, embrace it, and learn from it do we ready ourselves for something else.
You may want your prince to show up with a kiss that magically transforms your life, but the prince isn’t going to show up until the princess is ready. Cinderella had to sweep a lot of floors and do a lot of soul searching before she got to dance with the prince … and then she had to let go of him at midnight. Only then, were they united in an ongoing dance of the heart.
So when you encounter still another floor to sweep, sweep well. When you’re challenged to search your soul and purge another layer of fear, purge well. When you encounter a beautiful human being who’s not your prince (or princess), love well.
Take joy in what you’re ready for. Don’t try to squeeze yourself or somebody else into an ill-founded script. Play the role of you, stark naked you. And when you’re playing it well, your prince (or princess) will show up.
When he (or she) does, you’ll know it. By then, you won’t be looking for a white horse or a diamond tiara. You will have learned to see the beauty within transcend the packaging. You will have lost your attachment to what offers a false sense of security and wholeness. You won’t need somebody with a big bank account or long flowing hair to make you feel lovable.
You will be ready for a real prince (or princess)!