Saturday walk in the woods … I stop to climb a tree. Sam gets ahead of me. We both take this in stride; it’s what we do. As a attempt to dismount the tree, though, the climb down is slower than the climb up. It’s all I can manage, but I do it. Now, Sam’s way ahead of me. And as I approach a fork in the path, I don’t know which way to go. We’re both familiar with my sense of direction.
Then, I spy Sam, up ahead and around the corner. He’s hiding behind a tree! I continue walking, and Sam makes his way around the tree, still hiding, and trying to remain unseen. I laugh, and laugh, and laugh … more than I have laughed in a long time. When I finally reach him, we’re both laughing so hard that we’re wetting our pants. Well, one of us is (no worries, I carry tissue in the woods). He explains that he left tracks for me. On the way back, he even points them out. This is going to make me laugh for a very long time.
Don’t be afraid to lose your way. Carry tissue, watch for tracks, and beware the angels. Sometimes they’re hiding, just waiting to make sure you find your way.