Continued from Finding "The One"
I spent ten years writing a nationally-syndicated newspaper column "Naked Relationships," interviewing the world's leading experts. And I authored my first book of the same title, which combined the science, the art, and the spirit of human relationships.
Realizing that all of our relationships reflect how we feel about ourselves, I authored my second book "Innately Good." It was endorsed by some of my favorite minds and hearts, and it taught people how to know and love themselves as they never had.
I have spent the last 12 years married to my soul mate, living a oneness that surpasses my wild-ass dreams ... and yet learning daily how to refine my thoughts and behaviors, how to filter them through a finer screen.
I have spent the last 20 years doing live consultations and workshops, with people like you, knowing that I couldn't do it FOR anybody.
But I have recently discovered more insight than I knew to imagine, insight into life and love. I can cut to the core of the truth and see the path to growing into it. There is a core, and there is a path; and we don't have to live on the peripheral.
I will document my latest findings in my next book; but I want to share them now, with you. I can't do it for you, but I can guide you into doing precisely what must be done, one step at a time--provided you're courageous and willing.
I have always been a dreamer, a seeker, a believer, and a doer. Still, I have not always recognized or lived the fairytale. It is a pilgrimage to authentic love, the purest form of love.
How do you know if you are living the fairytale, or if you are on the path for you? You are at peace. And there are no qualifiers.
If you have not yet reached peace, married or unmarried, you can get there. And you can wake up with "The One" and know it. If you don't, I will refund your money, a wiser me than I am today.
Count on the wiser, but not the refund. I really want to dance at your wedding (or anniversary celebration)!
Try the 6 to 12-Month Program Risk Free
Be among the first to complete Jan's Finding "The One" Program and receive an introductory rate AND more one-on-one time with Jan. To save even more, pay for four weeks at a time. You will receive:
- One weekly consultation, 45 minutes of one-on-one with Jan (live, by phone, or by Skype)
- One weekly assignment, plus a review of the assignment by Jan via e-mail
- Up to three weekly responses from Jan to your e-mails (maximum of 100 words per e-mail)
All of this glorious work will be completed with the intention of learning to love yourself with a purer love than you've previously been able to love yourself (or anybody else). The science of relationships will be discussed AND presented in writing. It will also be practiced daily and weekly, using assignments customized for you.
Finding "The One" Program, one week: $60 |
Finding "The One" Program, four weeks: $200 |
You may discontinue at any time. And if you follow Jan's lead for 12 months without the desired results, all money paid will be refunded on request.