Naked Relationships
…I think it’s vital to get the real info out there via eloquent writers like yourself who have the public’s eye and ear. It’s the only way to make a real difference and maybe improvement in people’s relationship lives, health, and well being. Ann Weber, Professor of Psychology, UNC Asheville
Naked Relationships
Jan Denise shows us how to find the courage to get naked, or to be honest. When we do, we find our authentic self — our greatness — and how to cultivate intimacy, passion and commitment without losing who we are and without stifling our partner. Omega Institute
Naked Relationships
Jan Denise has a remarkable understanding of people and relationships and a gift for teaching. She presents a complex subject in an easy to understand way. Her writing is simple without being simplistic. I recommend this reading to everyone seeking a greater understanding of themselves and those they love. W. Thomas Hawkins, M.D.
Naked Relationships
I was impressed by Jan’s understanding of the technology and the way she took the additional information I shared with her, synthesized it, and created a well-written piece that provided value for her readers. Bob Quintana, president of The Unlimited Success Group, Inc., Anthony Robbins & Associates
Naked Relationships
What you share is excellent! It took me until age 40 to trust enuf to get naked. Keep blessing the world. Linda Cirulli-Burton, noted speaker
My favorite Naked Relationships review so far…it doesn’t get any better than this : )
"Jan, my beautiful friend, you have done it. You have written, no….you have sung, put to music, a wonderful poem, a magical book. Thank you! I am having a hard time, actually a slow time reading it, it is so powerful, I have to stop every few sentences and catch my breath. Your heart is in this book. You have set yourself free, Jan. Is it not wonderful? Now would the rest of us do the same. You are leading the way. May you continue to be a guiding light! And a best seller!" John
Naked Relationships
I am impressed. Jan combines the science of romantic relationships and her own insight to both enlighten and entertain the reader. Martin Heesacker, professor and chair of psychology at UF
You’re not alone, either…
A friend gave me a copy of your book "Naked Relationships." I just recently picked it up and started reading it before I go to bed. And what do you know…I feel like you wrote the book about some of the things that I am going through. It makes me stop and think…I kinda stop and smile and think I am not the only one dealing with these thoughts and troubles. I am only on chapter seven and I want to say thank you for writing this book. It makes me think about myself and how to deal with other things. Thank you again, Angie.
Have you read Naked Relationships?
I just finished your book Naked Relationships and wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed it! Thank you for writing such a poignant and honest book about relationships with partners and especially with ourselves. Attending your workshop was wonderful and then having the privilege of reading your book afterwards made for a week of spiritual and emotional growth. Thank you for being the perfect expression of love and sharing that expression with others through your presence and writing. In love and light, Kim
Naked Relationships
Jan has a gift for understanding the many fields of psychology and delivering her results in a way that is entertaining and easy to remember. Norman M. Brown, co-author of "Love and Intimate Relationships"
Listening to your book Naked Relationships is a spiritual experience…
“Several years ago, I read Being and Vibration by Joseph Rael, a Tewa Pueblo Native American who has been teaching about sound and the sacred for many years. He describes in his book the sacredness of various sounds and what they convey of Spirit to all who can hear or feel the vibrations. When I heard your book Naked Relationships, shared by Gladys and you, I had a spiritual experience. Laughter, tears and chills told me this is special for all of us privileged to share in the expansive life of being naked and vulnerable. Thank you from one who has always seen the sacred in you and Now the Beauty within himself as well.” Michael
Have you listened to Jan’s Naked Relationships on CD?
I’ve meant to write for some time now … Got back late Monday from my snowy northern Christmas trip … glad to be home. In case I haven’t told you recently — I LOVED recording your book. What an awesome privilege. I was very pleased when Thomas gave it a “thumbs up.” I trust others will enjoy it as well. I learned much from Naked Relationships …about myself, about the people in my life, and about how I love them well or don’t love them well. Thank you, Jan…much love to you, Glad
I am exploring areas that I might otherwise have never dares
Dear Ms. Soroka, … As it turns out, I underlined the book many times. …I have been practicing being naked with people I meet and we have learned that we are in sync with the most intimate of thoughts. Furthermore, I am not containing anything, I am exploring areas that I might otherwise have never dared. …What I am learning from you is that nakedness reveals the same thoughts, impulses and dreams. We are all cut from the same stone and we have responsibilities to each other and ourselves. May only the greatest of lessons and joy come your way. Mario
Good, practical suggestions
Hello Jan …by the way, I love your book, Naked Relationships! I have recommended it to several friends and clients already. It is very useful, for both individuals and for couples. Good, practical suggestions. My friend, Stephen, (you signed a copy for him) absolutely loved your book and has been quoting you ever since…“according to Jan Denise…etc.” or…“well, Naked Relationships would say, about that…”. It is very funny to hear him quote you! So, you have quite an impact! He was sorry to miss your seminar and I am sure will attend your next one in Gainesville. Best wishes to you, Dr. Trisha Peterson, Licensed Mental Health Counselor
Your prince is also out there … as soon as you’re ready
I have finally read through Naked Relationships. I had to put it down for awhile to digest what I had read. I have been with my current partner for 5 months… First naked relationship I have ever had, with the exception of my best friend (that I have known for 40 years). After a disastrous…first marriage that was 17 years long and ended 3.5 years ago – I had dated around, tried to make several relationships work. I decided to be alone without dating for 6 months. And then my friendship with Jeff deepened. Slow and sure – and the best thing I have ever encountered. He is not physically what I would’ve considered my type – but we can finish each other’s sentences, and I can tell him anything – we can talk about everything. No subject is left untouched. I am buying three more copies of your book to share with my widowed best friend, with my partner, and with my ex-sister in law. These are the people I love and trust – and want to share the wonder of your book with… Susan
Truth resonates…
Hi, Jan. What IS amazing is your book Naked Relationships and how it resonates. I was giving my 20 year old son a massage, he had been working out in the yard, and his back was sore. We started talking about relationships, and here I was reciting your book as THE text book on relationships. It came so naturally. When we speak words that flow off our tongues with ease, with a sense of rightness and peace, words that come from our very center and core, we speak truth. Truth resonates a beautiful, peaceful, and pure tone, one that is easily discerned, and readily understood. That is why your book is so amazing, it speaks the truth, and as many wise people have said for thousands of years, the truth will set you free. Wisdom and beauty do go together, don’t they? You are proof! John
I wasn’t disappointed
Hi Jan …I wasn’t at all disappointed in your book Naked Relationships. In fact, I’ve bought two more to give to single friends. I note that you don’t have a "lot of letters" behind your name like so many authors writing books on relationships; however, I know of no one who is more perceptive than you. You’ve obviously studied a great deal on the subject of relationships, then synthesized the best thoughts, finally adding your own intuition and perception. I suspect that the major reason that I think so highly of you is that I so wholeheartedly agree with your conclusions. In fact, I can’t recall an instance where I disagreed with any of your conclusions. To top it all off, you do an expert job of relating your conclusions in a concise, easily understandable manner. Once again, let me compliment you for the fine job you do and I hope to continue reading your works for many years to come! Sincerely, Ted Kmet
Slow is part of a beautiful process
Jan, I was reading your book Naked Relationships last night and wanted to say thank you. I met you briefly at your book signing in Tallahassee a few weeks ago. I was with a friend earlier in the day and we were feeling lazy on a Sunday afternoon and trying to figure out what to do. Then I had a really strong urge to go to Borders, browse and have coffee, so he and I set off. When I walked in, I saw you sitting at the book signing table and it looked like you were having a slow day. I wondered if maybe it was a little depressing to sit there all day and just have a few people come by. I’m (slowly!) working toward my dreams of being a professional artist and finding perfect love (most importantly, by first learning to love myself), and it’s easy to picture self-actualization in a hazy brilliance of daily perfection and joy. Having read your book, I see that you are actualizing your truth for yourself, but even so, there are still going to be slow days. That was an important realization for me, because I see it would be so easy to reach our dreams, and then lose them again or discount them because we were expecting everything to be perfect and effortless. It’s helped me commit myself even more to my dreams not as an end result, but as a lifelong process and act of devotion. So I just wanted to say thanks. Your book has pulled together so many thoughts I’ve had floating in my head, and answered a lot of questions. I’ve heard some of the ideas in different places, but the way you synthesize it so personally really hits home for me. So whether there’s one person or a hundred buying books, this one really appreciates your devotion. Cherie Bryant
When you look good to yourself…
I share with great frequency the information on page 75 (of your book Naked Relationships) about the keys of compatibility. I understand, for example what may have gone wrong with my last relationship. Whereas, all the areas were covered for me that may not have been the case for my ex. I think also of Don Miguel Ruiz’s statement about not worrying if I am not right for another. It is simply that simple. I’ve had these feelings about people as well and didn’t think that it was wrong of me not to try. I love your book and I completely agree with your premise. I just haven’t met anyone who wants to get naked with me and I mean that as you mean it. My latest love, for example, just wants to have babies and not work. She’s materialist and gorgeous. I could always feel as you mentioned an uncertainty as to how she felt about me. I would be anxious and unable to control my jealousy. Now, she is gone and so I am trying to heal. I am trying to look good to myself so I won’t be worried about finding a partner who makes me look good to others — p. 74. — Mario Savioni
Naked Relationships…now a "best seller"
Jan, I have a legal opinion about your new book Naked Relationships. I opine that it is selling. I also opine that it is the best book I’ve read in a long time on relationship and the attitude required. Therefore, in my legal opinion, your book is a best seller. You can quote me. Dan
I just wanted to shoot you an email to say thank you sooooo very much for the copy of your book, Naked Relationships. You have no idea how perfect the timing was for me to receive this book. I’ve been reading it non-stop since you gave it to me, and it’s been so helpful to me (I’m experiencing a recent break-up). I now, after reading your book, plan on taking the time to sit down and really get to know myself, and make some lists about things that I want, and why I want the things that I do, etc. Thank you so much. I’ve actually written my latest article about your book and how I’m suggesting that everyone read it!!! So thank you for the life changing advice, and for the article inspiration! It was definitely a pleasure to meet you! Sincerely :), Malorie Marshall