Celebrated Mom’s 91st birthday with her. I carried in arms full of decorations, food, and gifts. Mom knew that I was doing what she’d done for so many years. She also knew my real gift was a poem. I share it here, with this preface: Mom and I find ongoing sweetness and laughter in remembering that as a little girl, I always reminded her of how I loved her when SHE was the little girl and I was the mother.
I think that I have always seen you,
Even when you were the little girl still.
I looked at you and already knew
That love we would forever will.
And as I saw more of me, you were there.
We were different, but the same,
Learning to dare, and not to scare,
Not to excuses make, or blame.
We were by the same truth freed
Of worrisome doubt and fear,
Of insatiable need and greed,
Of tormenting choices unclear.
We each played student and teacher,
Hungry to know love’s purity,
Our soul purpose and sole endeavor,
Now and ever through eternity.
And so it is that we unfold,
Like a flower intended to bloom,
Naked, and full, and bold,
God’s sun and rain to consume.
Wanting for nothing, trusting for all,
We will live on and always know,
No matter our age, little or tall,
The kinship on us that God did bestow.
With a grateful heart, I see you, Mom, and I love you.
When I read Mom the poem, she closed her eyes. And when I was finished, eyes still she closed, she said she wanted to remember how beautiful it was. Growing up, Mom used to read me her own poetry as she wrote it. We see and know each other. And I am so thankful that gift, THE gift of love guided by knowledge.