Because of the nature of my work, many of my Facebook friends are addicts or recovering addicts. I’ve never been addicted to drugs or alcohol, but we’re all in the same boat. We all get addicted to a substitute for love or an escape from feeling unlovable. There is neither pride nor shame in finding a way to survive the pain. Let’s not attach a stigma to addiction. And let’s not attach any permanency to it, either.
When we try to fill a void with something that only love can fill, we can’t get enough. All we can get is a fix. But when we satisfy our need for love with the real thing, we don’t need another fix. We’re free!
I don’t want to disparage the pain, the struggle, or the courage required to face the truth. Holding on to the security blanket–no matter what it is–can feel like a matter of life or death. But I don’t want to disparage love, either!
LOVE Is Enough!