When we feel pain, we may instinctively cringe. It’s as though, we brace ourselves for it, almost holding our breath. I am learning to simply breathe, instead. I don’t want to dismiss the pain, or turn my back on it. But I want to breathe through it.
Because when I do, when you do, it feels different. It feels like I can breathe as big and as deep as I need to. It feels like I’m in charge! And the challenge–whether it’s physical, mental, or emotional–is less daunting.
When I jog, stretch, or even when I get a deep-tissue massage, I can breathe through the hurdle. I can release the pain, to let it “hurt so good.” If you’ve experienced this, you can relate. If you haven’t, maybe you’ll try it.
And then breathe through everything that might otherwise pose a threat, pain, or just a challenge. We breathe naturally. And 98% of all human brain activity is completely unconscious. Imagine what we can do, if we just give ourselves the freedom to expand and do it.
We’re not small. But sometimes we’re tempted to play small. Sometimes, we’re lured by the immediate gratification of a quick fix, or something we know we can do easily. We may even get addicted to spooning ice cream into our mouth. We may get complacent or discouraged and begin to think that we can only do what we know how to do, or what we’ve done before, or what somebody else thinks we can do. But we have the power to create the life we want.
According to the creation story, we were made in God’s image and given dominion over all the earth. I think we have what we need to pull off anything we can fathom … and that if we work our imagination, we can fathom more than we have.
And, if we breathe through the pain, or that stretching out of our comfort zone, we can accelerate our process of creating.
I’m learning to breathe deeper, to flow in deeper water, and to create from a deeper place, in order to be more of my authentic self.
Let’s play! And let’s do it BIGGER than we imagined we could do it yesterday.
Love and smiles,