You know how sometimes you feel inferior, or even inept … and then you console yourself with the fact that you are attractive, or financially secure, or intelligent, or something? That something is your false sense of security. And while it may be perfectly viable, it is NOT what makes everything okay. It is not what makes you okay.
And as long as we’re holding on to something that pacifies us, we miss out on what would truly satisfy our longing to simply be. We want to be enough, without meeting, and maintaining, some arbitrary standard. We want to be enough, without holding a shield to protect our self. And we are! We just haven’t let our guard down long enough to know that. We haven’t let go of the pacifier long enough to know that we don’t need it!
And letting go of our false sense of security is prerequisite to embracing the greatness within that can’t be measured, the greatness that is our birthright, the greatness that soars above our wild-ass dreams.
Let’s trust the only thing that’s real, the only thing we’re born with and die with. Love.
You are that!