For decades, I have re-centered in love to reach peace. Most of the time, this looks like raising both of my arms, the way I naturally do standing at the edge of the ocean, and taking in a deep breath, until I feel the oneness. Other times, it looks like lying on my bed repeating my “daily perspective” until I feel it enough to live it. Either method works. But only when I do it.
And I don’t do it well until I’m ready to let go of my ego–pride, anger, indignation, self-righteousness. I can’t really reach peace without doing what I know to do. I have to reconcile my words, my attitude, and my behavior with the truth. I have to be willing to SEE the truth, and align with the truth.
Often, we want to be at peace, but we don’t want to do what we can, what we must, to reach peace. I can only feel oneness with the force for good, if I’m willing to set aside my defensive emotions. Love is unthreatened, undaunted … and at peace. Love embodies the whole truth, without holding on to the ego’s defensive lies, justification, excuses, and blame.
We can only be at peace when we’re willing to let go of our ego and face the truth. Then, arms raised at the edge of the ocean with a deep breath, works. Facing the truth IS the first step, and the biggest step, to aligning with it.
Love smiles on you,