The answer has been provided. Our part is choosing to believe it, embrace it, act on it, and LIVE it. The answer is always the same, love, no matter the question or the problem. But sometimes we forget that embracing love requires that we choose love over what we’re holding on to, instead. The answer most often appears in an opportunity to learn how to provide what we want. So when manna doesn’t drop from the sky, look for an opportunity to create your own manna.
If I want healing, I must choose to change my habits. That’s what love looks like.
“Healing is a choice. It’s not an easy one because it takes work to turn around your habits. But keep making the choice and shifts will happen,” Yehuda Berg.
To choose love is to learn to align with love. And I delight in the truth that the answer always lies in doing what we can. We don’t reach peace by making the best manna ever, we reach peace by simply doing what we can in love.
What a beautiful season it is to be grateful for what we have, to use what we have, rather than wishing for more. And God blessed us every one.
With a heart full of love and gratitude for life … and for you.
I love you,