I’m at the gym 9:30 AM every Tuesday and Thursday, with a trainer. He’s wonderful! He reminds me, “last set, best set” and “every rep, best rep.” He has a master’s degree. He helps me tweak my technique with every exercise to maximize the results.
Still, it’s my deep-breath centering that most helps me to do my best work. I stop, hold my arms out (like I do standing at the edge of the ocean), close my eyes, and own my oneness with the universe. I feel my greatness. And I begin with fresh wind and strength.
And at 9:30 AM every Tuesday and Thursday, for one hour, I am reminded of the value of deep-breath centering. No matter what I am doing, I want to give it my best. I want to be my best. I want to be the force for good. I want to live love, I want to be love.
To celebrate this truth and Groundhog Day, I’m going to watch the movie “Groundhog Day” with Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell. Like Bill Murray’s character, we get as many chances as we need to be our best. Life is only repetitious when we stop growing into our greatness. Let’s not stop.
As St. Jerome said, “Good, better, best. Never let it rest. ‘Til your good is better and your better is best.”
Love smiles on you,