We can’t nurture a healthy relationship AND our ego. We have to choose.
To choose love is to displace our ego’s fear. We don’t have to be afraid of being wrong, or rejected.We can work with a partner, and others, as a team. And rather than resist differences, we can let them strengthen OUR team. We can say fewer words trying to prove how much we know. We can drop the facade.
When we’re free to be real, we are the most productive AND the most relaxed we can be! We learn and grow, and we have more to share. We’re better students AND better teachers.
We are more honest with our self and others. We are more tolerant, compassionate, and forgiving. We are less anxious, less stressed, more self-assured, more clear, and more responsible. We know peace and harmony, within and without. We are fearless.
We are whole, because love is whole. And love includes everybody.
In love,