Why are we concerned about how it LOOKS, even when it FEELS good? We’re programmed to be sensitive to rejection, and that can mean worrying about what other people think.
We’re no longer running from lions and tigers and bears! We no longer need the protection of a tribe. And while society may be consumed with winning approval, we don’t have to be. We can know the peace of being true to our self, as well as the absolute joy of what feels good to our spirit.
It’s easy to get consumed with more of what’s promoted to bring us satisfaction. When we do, we keep moving the finish line, thinking that one more raise, or degree, or toy is going to make us feel worthy, like something we’re afraid we’re not. And we also live in stress that accumulates into misery and chronic pain.
All we really need is love. That, my dear friends, is the truth we sometimes forget when lured by a false sense of security. And, yes, we can forget even after we think we have it all figured out.
Let’s not get stuck on a treadmill … or keep returning to one. Let’s soar above the distractions and know the glory of love, within and without.
Life is way cool. And so are you.
I love you,