Love School is every day. We’re always learning to love well, from a deeper and purer place. But when we need a break, our love is best served by taking one.
I took a week off; and this morning, I’m back at my computer. I have never felt so loving, and I have never felt so loved.
Learning doesn’t take breaks, though. It’s ongoing, and always pays off to the tune of I’m so grateful. And I am more grateful than I have ever been, more validated, more prodded, and more cradled by love itself, than I have ever been.
We will forever be learning to love with no walls, no conditions, no agenda, no excuses, no fear. But we can take a break, not from the lessons, but from all the labor. We can flow with love. We can be love.
I will take a break more often, to practice flow. I will be more present when I’m not on break. I will be ever-more conscious of my choices, my priorities, my love, and ME. And … I will love better and be better loved.
Love smiles on you,