When we think of all the things we want, we may overlook growth. Without it, we can’t be happy, though. We want to blossom, we want to be the best we can be. And we want to do it with somebody who loves us unconditionally.
When I feel tension, I know I have a chance to grown. I’m about to choose between fear and love. There’s really no kidding myself. I’ve learned too many lessons, and paid too much for them, to justify anger or resentment or blame or defensiveness. I know they are rooted in fear, and that there is no fear in love. And, I know I want to choose love.
It’s okay if it takes a deep breath. And it’s okay to sit with what you’re feeling. Try to understand where it’s coming from, or what you’re afraid of. And don’t fuel the negative emotion by venting it. Think about the pain behind it, and share that–not the irritation–with your partner. You can explain what you are feeling and why, without accusing him (or her) of MAKING you feel that way.
A sweetheart can only trigger what is already there. When he does, you have an opportunity to grow, or work toward healing what hurts. And if you take advantage of it, you also get to know each other on a deeper level!
If you choose to fuel your fear, or negative emotion … well, like me, you probably already know what happens.
To love and growth!