Most of my life, my best eluded me. Did I EVER actually exhaust my effort!?
I realize now that my best isn’t trying until it hurts, or practicing until it’s perfect. It’s not getting older or younger, or honing my skill set. It’s not recruiting the best team.
My best is simply letting go of all the pretense and all my preconceived notions, to be 100 percent authentic. When I can do that, when I can simply be all me, without adding or withholding anything, that IS my best.
The partner of your dreams isn’t looking for perfect facial features. Your biggest-client-ever isn’t looking for the most years of experience, your “standing ovation” isn’t waiting for you to fine-tune your performance. Preparation may score points. But it doesn’t create the inexplicable!
To be our ultimate best, we can’t rely on the physical. We have to trust what we can’t see or measure.
Here’s to our best! It’s always within our reach.