As you probably know, my last book was about choosing love over fear. That concept helps me keep life simple.
Love gives birth to spirit. Fear gives birth to ego. And that’s precisely why we can trust spirit, but not ego. Love leaves no room for deception. But fear is the source of all deception.
We bought into the lie that we weren’t good enough. And we surrounded ourselves with armored walls, intended to protect us from rejection. Those same walls protect us from being known, though. And we can’t feel loved until we feel wholly known.
Our epic challenge is to hold nothing back. Our epic destiny is to be real, to be who we are, to be spirit, to be love.
And there are moments when we get our arms around that truth and feel it. We know we ARE love! And we know love is enough. But we get distracted by sparkle and bravado and think maybe we’re missing something. We get scared that we ARE missing something.
That fear is all it takes for our authenticity to slip, for our satisfaction with life to slip … because fear pushes love aside. Let’s remember to choose love, to trust spirit.
We don’t have to slip very far to catch ourselves. And eventually that “slip” can become the mere awareness of choice.
Our choice is what makes us human. And our choice is what allows us to manifest our divinity, our destiny of oneness with love.
Here’s to remembering!