Are you ready to live your destiny?
Work with Jan Live ... to discover more of your authentic self and live the life you are destined to live!
15-Minute Consultation: FREE
One-Hour Consultation: $110
Learning to Love Yourself
the quest of a lifetime
- What love really is
- Who you are, apart from the facade
- What it actually looks like to love you
- How it feels to exercise the freedom to be you
Getting to know yourself means bringing the unconscious into the conscious. It means looking at what seems dark, and trusting that you can shine a light on it. It means finding the blurred line between you and the facade you created to win approval, and then letting go of the facade as you dismantle it.
When you know what love is and who you are, then you can begin to paint a picture of what it looks like to love you. You can begin to manifest a well-loved you.
You can be the hero you were afraid to believe in.
Be among the first to complete Jan's Learning to Love Yourself Program and receive an introductory rate AND more one-on-one time with Jan. To save even more, pay for four weeks at a time. You will receive:
- One weekly consultation, 45 minutes of one-on-one with Jan (live, by phone, or by Skype)
- One weekly assignment, plus an evaluation of the assignment by Jan via e-mai
- Up to three weekly responses from Jan to your e-mails (maximum of 100 words per e-mail)
All of this will be completed with the intention of learning to love yourself with a purer love than you've previously been able to love yourself (or anybody else) with. You will learn to truly understand self-verification. And you'll practice it daily and weekly, using assignments customized for you.
Learning to Love Yourself, four weeks: $300 |
Learning to Love Yourself, one week: $85 |
You can retreat with Jan in Daytona Beach, FL, or in a place of your choosing (rate can vary based on location)!
Customized One-Day Individual Retreat: $450 |
Customized One-Day Couple Retreat: $500 |
Agreed-on amount for a custom consultation/retreat:
Call/text 386-299-6256 or email JanDenise@JanDenise.com for more information or to schedule your fairytale (consultation, program, or retreat).
Meeting with you one-on-one altered my life! Thank you! The breakthrough that occurred for me was an Aha moment. Suddenly, I "got" what I need to take off the glasses I have worn since my childhood, that have kept me from living my truth. This totally set me free to be! Your wonderful insight and love had me see something I had never seen before. Thank you from the depth of my heart and soul. - Love, Sue
So, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me to remember what is inside me. This has been a beautiful and peaceful day. Very empowering and I can see now that if I act accordingly with the light inside me, good and bad things will continue happening, but they won't be able to push me down. True love has no expectations, and if everything is perfect inside me, I can go ahead confident that no thing nor result will steal my peace of mind, my love for myself and others. I will understand from now on that loving myself first will allow me to give and share that love with no expectations, and the reward will be my own happiness. - Love, Maria
That last coaching session was awesome! They just keep getting better, and I am becoming more convinced about a lot of things. The screen metaphor is powerful. And, I really appreciate your continuing input to help me refine my definition/understanding/ experience of love. I especially liked the part about things that feel bounded or limited are not of love. The anchoring tip was astounding! I present part 2 of the workshop tomorrow (actually later today), and I believe that will help me more than anything. I'll let you know how well it goes (not how it goes - how well it goes). Mainly, I wanted to tell you how much courageous authenticity I witnessed when you said "I love you - in a pure way." I was even more astounded when I was able to reciprocate that statement - you are a good influence. And thank you, I needed that; I needed to feel those words. You are uncovering some parts of me that have been notoriously resistant until now, and I am very, very grateful. You are quite possibly the most amazing woman I have ever encountered, and I am honored and blessed that our paths have crossed. - Namaste, Charles
Well, quite a talk we had today. Thank you so much. It helps to find out why I'm doing what I'm doing, but I feel a bit shaken, too. Like, "wow, I've been obsessing about Robin, putting him in this role, imagining things with him that we never really had." That can't be healthy for me. I know that he has his own "stuff" but it's similar, isn't it? We're both trying to fill voids. I think it's a little sad that we fall for the wrong people. Kind of like that old country song "Looking for Love in all the Wrong Places". I am already looking into yoga or pilates classes that I can start next week. That always was a good thing for me. Your help and wisdom mean so much to me. I hope I can truly be the best I can be. - Love you, Holly
I knew it was going to be hard to share some of my stuff with you. What I didn't know is how much I would learn. I feel like the door was slammed shut for years ...and your words are helping me to open it. You gave me a lot of seed today and it's planted now in my head/heart/soul and I am expecting it to grow. Wait and see! - Laura
You taught me to stop fearing and love naturally happens. In return I gained a relationship with God. I never knew because I was influenced by religion. By what the Protestant Church said, Baptist from my mom's family, self declaring Buddhist. My long term BF in college a devout Catholic. Just lost until I started loving. I am abundantly blessed because of you. I get why we have a God seed. We are all born friendly and ready to be and give love. I love you and, Jan Denise, you were sent to me as my angel. - Jasmine
I thank you so much for our coaching session. I have been trying to deal with this "stuff" of mine for a while and I knew that when I finally talked with you, I would gain some insight on the whole situation. I also knew that you totally understood what I was talking about and feeling because you have been in the same kind of relationship. I feel good about deciding for sure that I need to talk to Peter (name changed for publication). I haven't done it yet, but I will, because I'm not afraid anymore. That was a great revelation to me about not wanting him (or anyone) to see my cry. I think I've always thought of that as a sign of weakness — not in others (if they are crying) but in myself. I don't know how to thank you for helping me to see that. You're right — that is as much a part of me as my strength is, something very special to take away with me — a better understanding of me. I love myself again and am starting to feel that wonderful peaceful feeling. You take care and enjoy that nice warm weather down there. I'm grateful — keep doing all the good that you do. - Josh