Jan's Next Live Event
~ Seriously Authentic ~ Your Sole Purpose and Soul Happy
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Saturday, 9 AM - Noon
Daytona Beach, FL (Jan's Home)
Cost: $125
LIMITED TO EIGHT GUESTS and includes a private one-hour consultation with Jan (at your convenience), plus books and refreshments
Since this event is limited to eight guests, you're a VIP. Please text Jan for availability and instructions: 386-299-6256. Thank you!
As I process and remember snippets of what you shared with us, I get it. Today, I was different. Not every moment, but many moments: I used anchoring: I spoke differently: I felt and thought HOPE which has been missing from my experience. I thank you and Sam more than words can express...please accept my wholehearted gratitude for the vast experiences the weekend offered, and the eternal truths imparted. - Barbara
It was such a wonderful weekend! I came back with a heart full of love. The workshop was just what I needed to help me get grounded. I can't wait to pass it forward – as a matter of fact I have been telling everyone I meet. You and Sam have created a transformational healing center at Gleneden. Looking forward to many more opportunities. You are a bright and shining star and a beautiful teacher. -Trish
Thank you again for the most enlightening day! I couldn't help but feel that the "this was no accident" theme resonated even more today. I am feeling triple the blessing as I am sure both my mom and sister found more than they could have imagined by spending the day with you and the other amazing people in attendance. As we left your home, my sister said "...talk about authentic! Jan is the absolute embodiment of authentic!" I agree completely! I am optimistic and scared at the same time that I have passed the point of no return in my journey. I am excited at the prospect of all I can have/be when I align myself with love, but old habits die hard, and I am sure I will continue to stumble a bit along the way. I only hope I can find the grace to take the journey as it comes and to accept the truth as it is revealed to me. - With a Sincere and Grateful Heart, Kelly
I have been reading your column for about a year now and recently discovered your web site. But nothing compares to hearing you speak "live and in person." You are truly phenomenal and I feel blessed to have such an enlightened teacher. - Antoinette T. DePaola, Esq., Writer
The presentation was delivered in a very enthusiastic, sincere, and exposed (naked!) manner. That made it very easy for me to not only understand intellectually what you were saying, but to also feel it. Your openness and your energy are contagious. - Larry
Thank you for visiting Long Branch and for bringing us in person your inimitable advice and style ... having seen you will enhance the in-print relationship for so many of us. We shall see your eager, wide-eyed expression on the page. We shall hear your calm, hopeful voice with our eyes... - Randall
The workshop was wonderful and time spent with you is always enriching to my soul. You truly have a wonderful way to express God's blessings in your life. Keep up the good work — we need to hear your wisdom. - Dee
Your presentation is still on my mind and is forcing me into a lot of soul searching. I have visited your web site every day since hearing you.- Judy
Wow. I cannot wait to come to another workshop. It's amazing what a difference one evening can make in your life — a moment that was created that will forever be embedded in my heart and soul. - Jennifer
I just wanted to share with you that I so enjoyed your presentation at the luncheon a couple of weeks ago. Right after the luncheon I boarded a couple of planes for a sojourn to Italy and France. What a wonderful and spiritually uplifting couple of weeks that commenced with your presentation, which was sort of ironic, in that I had no idea as to what your topic was going to be. So after your talk and my visit to Assisi in Italy and Lourdes in France, I feel as though I have been blessed and ready to once more tackle the realization of the many challenges that come our way. Thanks again and I have enjoyed reading your book too. - Shelagh
What a remarkable experience, Jan. You truly reach my soul, and I thank you again (and again) for your beautiful spirit. So much has been going on in my life over the last few years, especially this past year, and seeing (and feeling) your energy was just what my heart needed at that very moment. You mean so much to me, and I look forward to the next opportunity to play catch-up and grow more, because of you. - Julia
I wanted to thank you for a great coaching session in Spring Lake. I often reflect on our conversation. You were so kind and nonjudgmental and encouraging. It was a life altering moment. I am still a work in progress but I am able to forgive myself for my past infidelity. It was always so difficult to talk about. When you actually believed I was courageous instead of a poor role model to my children, it was so uplifting. I am attempting to live a brighter, more rewarding, less punishing life. I am finally decluttering my life. Your thoughts of when one lives a life outside her belief system and values it can contribute to unhappiness made such sense. You are truly special and gifted in your ability to share and help others through your inspirations and humanity. I look forward to meeting you again. Thank you! - Lisa
Thank you so much for our talk last week. You always amaze me by teaching me something profound, but you make it seem so simple. When I was asking you what the lesson was for me, you just answered so easily, like it was so obvious, which, then — it was. I felt like a flare went off inside my head — like "Oohhh, I get it". Unbelievable. Since I talked with you last week, I think about things in a different way. If I feel fear, I stop and ask myself what it is that I'm afraid of and I end up not being afraid. Pretty neat indeed. Well, I just wanted you to know that I appreciate you and what you have done for me. I know there's always more to learn but I think I'm on the right road — or, as you say, I'm on a beautiful path. Thank you. - Bailey
You have given me a precious gift: an insight into the most important thing there is: love. I am blessed for knowing you. It has changed my whole world view. And I have resolved all the pain with Beth. Now I love her unconditionally, and just want good things for her. I love you very much, Jan. And I love that I can say that without embarrassment. - Cole
I heard you speak about 2 years ago in Spring Lake, NJ, and I took copious notes. I truly embraced and adopted all your messages following years of having lost myself and my voice and enduring a contentious divorce. Having worked hard on my own personal growth and consciously living a life of authenticity, I know I created an opening for love. I met my soul mate about 6 months ago and we plan to marry next year — it's based on trust and authenticity and is powerful beyond words. Thank you for doing the work you do and getting the message out — there is no fear in love! - Amy
Trust me on this one, Jan. You have been promoted based on OUR experience with you, which was very positive. You have a knack, at least in your talk to us, for making each person in the group feel like they were one-on-one with you. You were capable of making me feel like you were talking directly to me, even when you were looking in a different direction. Do you realize how special that is. Yes, you've been promoted here, not overly so, but honestly so... - Neil
Of late, I have had vivid memories of our dinner together with Sam at The Blue Room after our May retreat in your home and on the beach. That was a magical day and evening for me. It was a gateway for me to awaken. Over the last several months, it gave me the remembrance of my own courage to face my deepest fears and to walk toward them so I could embrace everything I had ever wanted to run away from. Finding my Self after so many years is like an orchestra playing music that swells slowly and ardently toward a magnificent expression of grandeur. I am listening in Silence and it is renewing my Soul. Jan, I listen deeply to you whether your words are spoken or written. You, dear, dear friend, speak to my innermost being. - I love you, Jan. Michael
Thank you so much for your time, energy, thoughts and feelings that you shared this past weekend. The time spent with you was exactly what I needed to realize where I was in my life and what I needed to do to get back on track to being true to myself. The good thing is that I have already lived with my true self and know what she looks and feels like, now it is just a matter of waking up each day and taking steps towards who that is. - Linda
It's always good to see you and I always come away with a feeling of "I get it now" that I didn't have before. I loved the concept of screening out people too much — so that we end up eliminating ourselves. I have taken myself out of things before even giving it a try, based on my own belief that I'm not "good enough" or I'm not what that person would want. I started crying when I heard you say that. Jan, your workshop was great. I just wish I could've squeezed in a coaching session with you. Take care of yourself. - Love, Debra
I attended your inspiring discussion at Stella Maris, on 9/29. It moved me in unexpected ways (for the good). Plan to read your book in the next few days. Hopefully, it will reframe some of the ideas for me. There is always room for improvement. I tend to spend a great deal of time, energy and (sometimes) money on the exterior self and assume that the interior part "is what it is". You helped me realize that as long as I am breathing, I can, and probably should, continue to evolve into the best person I was meant to be. Thank you so much for the "wake-up call". - Anne
I am so happy that I got the chance to meet you last night at the seminar in Corpus. I want to thank you so much for the uplifting, knowledgeable words you spoke. You confirmed a lot of what was in my heart. I know I was getting ready to cry when I thanked you. It was like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders and things were explained better. Especially the five points you spoke about at the end - I have those with -C-, so I know in my heart that we have the foundation. I know that it may just take time, but it will be well worth the investment. Thank God that we also have the spiritual togetherness. He and I are so involved with our church and I believe having God as your common denominator is one of the most important things to have in a relationship. I looked back in my thoughts last night to my previous relationships and realized, no wonder why there was nothing there. I was amazed and I had to laugh. Several months ago I had come to the acceptance that even if he did not feel the same, I was not worried because I had told him what was truly in my heart and I was not afraid of telling him. I was actually surprised at myself for not being afraid but I knew that even if it didn't come out the way I wanted, I still was brave enough to open my heart to him and I still felt good about myself, regardless the outcome. I also know that even if things don't fall the way I want, he is still my best friend and that I am still me. Last night confirmed what I did and felt. I am ordering a book for him to read. I feel it will really help him too. I am so grateful that I came across your article (ironically he gave it to me). Thank you and may God continue to bless you. - Laura
I am so happy I had the chance to meet you last week. I enjoyed your seminar and hope to attend more. It was great at explaining how everyone is always wondering what everyone thinks. I listened to every word. I used to think like that, but when I am me, I am more confident and truly happy inside and that's what makes me glow. As I mentioned, you have had an influence on me for the last two years. I remember the first time I read your article in the Asbury Park Press and kept looking week after week and then I wrote you direct and then started reading your web site. You had the kindest words of wisdom which I followed. Since then, I moved out and bought a townhouse, and I have four great dogs. I took one step back, but I realize I am stronger now and can't wait until I can experience a person who will love me for me. I see the path ahead — I am now reading your book and I can only learn more as I go. - Gail
Once again I leave your talk feeling blessed and honored in knowing you. I once read a quote from Maya Angelou that reminds me of you ... "A woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination, prepared to be herself and only herself." You are such a blessing. - A big hug, Karen
Just wanted to let you know I enjoyed your talk in Gainesville last night. I have no problem at all getting "naked" with my horses (I am an equine veterinarian), and very much want to do the same with a woman, but I don't think its been that easy for me, or many from what I heard at our group, to find those honest and open people that are truly happy with themselves. Horses are easy; as God's creatures, their trust for you, if you deserve it, is almost instantaneous. Unfortunately, I have been spoiled I suppose. Well I've got your book now, and found it very refreshing reading. Thanks again. I am always reading your column looking to expand my horizons on the human psyche. I would also like to learn more about you and how you have learned to bare your soul to others so well. I marvel at how you have given yourself this beautiful mission, and am sure I can learn much. - Sam
Hi Jan, just wanted to drop you a quick note and let you know how much I enjoyed your Spring Lake workshop. I realize that it was already a few weeks ago. However, your workshop helped me to be a little more open with myself and others. I think I have always known how to be open but wasn't ready to really be myself. I found it to be very, very enlightening. I am so happy that I have waited for as long as I have to be involved with someone again. I didn't want to settle for second best. And I know that you know what I am referring to. My perfect mate — to think that he exists is so exciting! I hope that you come back into town again some time after the New Year! Let me know if you will be in New Jersey again, or even New York, I would love to come. - Warm regards, Trish
I really enjoyed your seminar in Spring Lake last week. I had to smile when you said you will find love living the life you love since John and I fell in love walking dogs (something we both love). Just last week (sometime before the seminar) we were walking shelter dogs in the park and I said, if this were my last day on earth, this is how I would want to spend it, and I would also have a piece of chocolate cake. - Your faithful reader in Ocean Grove, Linda
Jan, your workshop empowered me to discover something new, to step back and observe him. YES!! It really worked. Just four days after your workshop, I was brave enough to ask questions. Now, only six weeks into the relationship, I got my answer. He does not see a future living here in my world and I am now strong enough to move on. I thanked him for being totally naked with me. What more could I ask for? I will always be grateful for his revealing who he is and for seeing him for who he is — not what I want him to see. (GEE, and here I thought love will conquer all. I thought our emotional intercourse was so real and enough for us, but it wasn't.) I will continue the journey regardless how many Martians I need to kiss. The freedom is knowing how I want to be treated and if he can't deliver now, he never will. How liberating this is! Here's to the love that we deserve and the hope that perseveres. - Anne
Jan, Tuesday gave me so much to think about, and my mind has been full with the subjects we discussed. You are so incredibly on target with all that you say and write. Thank you for the reaffirmation. It helped tremendously, and enabled me to let the lessons sink further into my mind. I did my own DP all the way home that day, and every day since, and you are right. I understand now that I will not let myself be sidetracked again, or lose what I have gained. I think once a person "wakes up", then it would be nearly impossible to go to sleep again. Life feels too incredibly wonderful to ever let go again. I am reading your book for the second time now, to pick up on any ideas that I missed, or may have misunderstood in the first reading. The first reading was done before I was fully "awake", and I want to make sure I understand all of it. I am buying several copies to give some of my friends and family, and I hope and pray they understand your message also. You are truly gifted. Your words have helped me more than you could know. My relationships with my children and other family members have improved since reading your book, and I know that healthy, giving relationships with others wait just ahead on my path. I look forward to openly greeting those people to come with love. As for those relationships that helped me to get where I am today, the ones that I said I made a mistake in, I realize now there were no mistakes, even in the new relationships. Thank you for your wisdom, and your ability to share a concept. I believe you have more to teach me, and I would like to talk to you further. Thank you so very much. - Pam
I must tell you (again) how wonderful it was to see you in Spring Lake last night! You look great!! The seminar was wonderful! You allowed yourself to be vulnerable and get naked in front of the class so that we may one day be fortunate enough to dance the dance with the partner of our dreams! It was so refreshing, enlightening and thought-provoking. Your insights have allowed me to get naked with myself so that I no longer feel a need to cover up parts of myself with others! I've finally been invited to the dance and it is truly remarkable. Thanks to you, I will "live my truth" each and every day. It's so wonderful to finally be able to let go! Thank you so much for bringing your sunshine to the Jersey shore! Keep smiling and dancing! - Toni
Hello Jan, I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your workshop in Spring Lake last night. I was able to see my "situation" very clearly while I listened to you speak. I love your thoughts about not sacrificing our own "truth." Turns out I've been doing that for a number of years in a relationship that (thanks to you) I am now able to "let go of." It was a pleasure meeting you and I look forward to another workshop. - Lance
Jan, your workshop was wonderful. So much more than I could have even imagined. You really challenged me to see myself differently, as a man and as a speaker. Thank you. - Jared
I want to thank you for making such a positive impact on my life. You touched my soul and I will be forever grateful. I have been inspired to write my book and have already started. I know I want to spend my energy on this instead of ... I now know that God has a magnificent plan for me ... Thank you for coming to Unity Church. You are an inspiration to all of us. - Karen
Hi Jan, ... I really enjoyed your workshop on dealing with fear. What you so gently revealed was our unwillingness so often to face our fears, and deal with them. The session's participants were wonderful people with diverse issues, but all the diversity vanished into one common thread — fear. As you pointed out, when we refuse to face our fears we give fear greater strength and power. It will rule our lives. When we face fear, tears and all, feeling the fear, but resolved to defeat it or die trying, amazingly fear becomes a little mouse, running around trying to hide. What defeats fear is love. First, love of ourselves, wars and all, right now, this minute. Then love of others, for we cannot truly love others and share our compassion for all beings until we first learn to love ourselves without condition. Fear cannot stand the light of love. You said it so well, Jan. 1st Corinthians, Chapter 13... - John
Hi Jan, ... I like the way you emphasize "being yourself" instead of guessing what your partner "wants you to be." I've seen that not happen in many (most) relationships by either one or both partners, and it's very telling about the relationship when the big "argument" finally occurs. Then one sees all the misunderstanding and resentments the partners have built up and not discussed for a long time ... Hope to catch your next seminar in Gainesville. - Brady
Hi Jan, I hope you're doing well. I think of you often and of the many things that you taught me. Perhaps one of the most important of which is to live my truth. I do, and it is so very liberating because it allows me to speak what is in my heart without concern for how the other party may feel or react. Obviously this is never done without concern for the feelings of others, but it is done in the context of disclosing that which is within my heart. - Love, Dave
I must tell you...what a pleasure it is to go to your workshop amongst people of all ages who are so kind and understanding of the others in the group. The kind looks, gentle pats and even hugs are so appreciated by me. I feel as if I'm in a group of friends even though I know none of them. It has to be your magic!! Obviously I shared something with them, I have never spoken to anyone before...love is so wonderful...I wish everyone could enjoy it!! Thank you for being a friend... - love Bev