Sam and I have been renting a home; and the owner has decided to sell it. We were already looking for a place in Cedar Key; but now we have been nudged. And mostly we have been exhilarated by the nudge, excited about what comes next.
We are in the process of making a decision, trying to decide on a new home. We want to be responsible about weighing the options; but we also want to go with the flow, without pushing too hard to “make” something happen.
There are factors, like the location of Sam’s practice and horses (he’s an equine veterinarian) to consider. But mostly, I want to know that it FEELS right. I trust that. I believe our home should feel like US. As within, so without.
Now, just this morning as I was washing my face (this post will help me to articulate my thoughts), it occurred to me that if I’m not careful, I will let go of some of my freedom. What I mean by that is, if we buy something, I want it to be an investment that yields a favorable return. Well, duh. But wait, I don’t want to be invested in a particular outcome.… More