Whether I write about breaking up or compatibility or communication, it always comes down to the same thing — know and love who you are (so that you can share all of you with enthusiasm and be at peace, regardless of the outcome).
When we spend enough quality time to get to know who we are, we realize how wonderfully made we are! But that means stopping the busyness, all the excuses we find not to be alone with ourselves, and all of our efforts to make ourselves good enough — with another promotion, a bigger house, a trip, even meeting the needs of others, so that we don’t have to face our own. The reason we’re so busy is that we can’t get enough of whatever we fill our lives up with, to make us happy. We keep adding more and more and more.
When we break away from the treadmill, we find out that everything we were looking for — nothing more than happiness, really — was right there within us all along. The only way to be happy is to be true to what’s inside. The only way to be unhappy is to be untrue to what’s inside.… More