True happiness really is an inside job, BUT it’s not just an inside job. Unless we manifest what’s inside on the outside, it doesn’t seem real.
The intangible shows itself in the tangible. As within, so without. … More
True happiness really is an inside job, BUT it’s not just an inside job. Unless we manifest what’s inside on the outside, it doesn’t seem real.
The intangible shows itself in the tangible. As within, so without. … More
I finally realize that the reason I keep moving from one woman to the next is that I’m afraid I’ll cheat again. It’s been six years since my divorce, but I am still pained by my behavior. And I don’t want to hurt anybody else.
We might assume that people don’t commit because they want newness or variety, but sometimes they’re just afraid … not only of hurting somebody else but of feeling the pain of guilt when they do.
So, how do we forgive ourselves and experience peace?
Chances are you’ve betrayed somebody or been betrayed — maybe both — and if you’ve been honest with yourself, you know there were two players. In a partnership, it’s not quite as simple as one thoroughly innocent party and one thoroughly guilty party.
While you can’t blame anybody else for your own behavior, neither can anybody else blame you for theirs. We’re all learning — mostly through hard knocks.
No, I’m not attempting to justify or trivialize betrayal. I can’t justify other forms of deception either, though. And when one partner cheats, often both partners were just going through the motions of a relationship, pretending not to notice that something, or just about everything, was wrong.… More
Sexual fantasies are like dreams. They don’t adhere to our self-imposed or societal guidelines for what’s acceptable.
Consequently, we might feel uncomfortable — or even guilty — about what arouses us. Do you listen to those who admonish you to keep to the straight and narrow? Or do you follow the school of thought that says fantasies make for healthier and more exciting relationships?
In any case, you can’t really control what arouses you; you can only avoid or deny it.
In one study, women reportedly fudged about what pictures most aroused them. The thing is, they were “wired” (like taking a polygraph test); and their physical symptoms revealed the truth that they apparently found embarrassing.
Assuming women shouldn’t have to feel guilty about what photos aroused them — they didn’t even conjure up the images, they simply looked at what a facilitator flashed in front of them — why should you have to feel guilty about what your body responds to?
More awareness of what is, however primal, can help us to make better informed choices. We don’t have to limit our consciousness to what slaps us in the face or that part of the dream we were dreaming when we awoke in a sweat.… More
Love is always enough in the present. There is no lack of time, money, or other resources unless we begin to lament the past or worry about the future. And when we get scared, we displace love with fear.
When we remain fearless, we remain loving! We make the best of what we have. And we grow more.… More
Today–my second sabbath without Sam. He returns from KY this evening after nine days!
I found my way through the woods … and jumped into the spring on my own. LOVE this sanctuary and my solitude! And I can’t wait to see my baby tonight.… More
Going to Silver Springs this morning for a long walk followed by a jump in the springs … one of my favorite ways to remove myself from distractions.… More
Jan's program for the quest of a lifetime.
~ What love really is
~ Who you are, apart from the facade
~ What it actually looks like to love you
~ How it feels to exercise the freedom to be youClick to Read More
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