Remember how you used to wear shorts under your dress as a little girl? Well, it’s still okay to do that. Why would we want to stop playing?
Be ready for fun! … More
Remember how you used to wear shorts under your dress as a little girl? Well, it’s still okay to do that. Why would we want to stop playing?
Be ready for fun! … More
We can choose a life with no fear, no anxiety, and no lack by simply choosing love.
But we must learn to choose it in the face of temptation And sometimes that temptation looks as innocent as a potato chip.… More
Ten years ago (but my husband remembers), I turned the light out and started to climb into bed when I felt something moving around near my ear. Shrieking, I asked Sam (who was already snug in bed) to turn the light back on. My distress escalated, and I found myself screaming, begging him to please hurry.
When he got to me, I was cupping my ear. As I let go of it, I released a small flying insect. “Why didn’t you just shoo it away?” asked Sam.
At that, I started to cry. And he could see I was upset. Then, we both got back in bed; as we snuggled, I continued to cry and fell asleep.
The next morning, I remembered what happened. And, with a sheepish grin, I said to him, “I wonder if I had some traumatic experience with an insect when I was a little girl.” Clearly (to both of us, I’m sure) I had overreacted.
It was later that day when I realized what actually transpired. For sure, I was startled by the insect and felt helpless in the dark. But when Sam responded with obvious nonchalance to my distress, I lost it and started crying.… More
For years I’ve said, “I have the tenacity of a weed.” And this morning, it occurred to me that I also bear good fruit. Made me smile. … More
When it seems like the people in my life fall short, it’s because I feel inadequate.
When I feel good about myself, I can accept others as they are (even if I move on without them). … More
As long as we respond in love—to anything—we remain true to ourselves. And nothing can hurt us.
It’s when we get scared and let impatience, guilt, obligation, doubt, judgment, expectation, or blame in, that we also let pain and misery in.
Choose love. … More
Jan's program for the quest of a lifetime.
~ What love really is
~ Who you are, apart from the facade
~ What it actually looks like to love you
~ How it feels to exercise the freedom to be youClick to Read More
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