Real age is more than a number!
She’d kill me if she knew I felt this way — I love her and would marry her, BUT she’s 10 years older than I am. I’m 36 and she’s 46. What happens when I’m 56 and she’s 66?
Age is a number. Theoretically, it’s indicative of how mature we are. But we find exceptions to that faster than we can get to the end of the sentence. But beauty fades, right? Nah — we all know people who get better looking. Skin loses its resilience? True enough, but not at the same rate.
And in much the same way, some people seem to put on the brakes and stop learning and growing at 40, while others seem to stay interested and interesting as long as they live. Some people stay physically vibrant and active into their 90s and counting; some start to “die” in their 40s.
“I don’t believe one grows older. I think that what happens early on in life is that at a certain age one stands still and stagnates,” said T. S. Eliot.
We’re learning, though. We look younger and die older. What used to be old is still young … and the older we get, the younger it is.… More