I’m thankful for the harvest, for the law of sowing and reaping. We are blessed with good seed to sow, a faithful sun and rain, and whatever magic, or science, makes a seed sprout green through dark soil.
And I’m thankful that no matter how much we evolve, a willing soul will always find a purer love to grow into. There is no lack of freedom, no lack of potential, no lack of passion.
And I’m thankful for a partner who is content to go with the flow, while never content to stop dreaming, believing, and acting on faith. I’m grateful for knowing we were meant to be … and for all the sowing, misguided striving, and learning that led me to him.
And I’m thankful for a god, a creator, a heavenly father, without whom there would be no law of the harvest.
On this Thanksgiving Day, I am one grateful little girl. And I’m thankful that I can be this old and still feel this young.
Happy Thanksgiving to you my dear friends. I’m thankful for YOU.… More