In our humanness, it’s effortless to fall into complacency. Let’s not do that. And when we feel a tinge of boredom, let’s heed the wake-up call.
Today is a beautiful day to take stock.
We can’t ask too much of love. Love is boundless. And we can’t really ask too much of ourselves … as long as we’re connected, as long as we’re feeling that oneness with love.
When we are connected to source, we don’t risk complacency. Let’s make staying connected our priority.
I don’t know what that looks like for you. For me it looks like water, a wooden dock to lie down on, a sky to gaze at, and enough quiet time to breathe it all in … and let it replace my isolation with connectedness, my finite possibilities with infinite possibilities.
Let’s continually reconcile our humanness with our essence of divine love. As humans, we can’t do it once and for all.
Sacred hug,… More