Love has nothing to prove. And neither do you! You’re free to be you. The next time you’re on a date–even if it’s with your spouse–make sure the person you present is the real you. Let them get to know you; that’s an ongoing process. Remember, you can’t feel loved if you’re shielded by shiny armor (that could look like a padded wallet, pretty words, or a fake laugh).
I’m not suggesting that you blast anybody with your anger or intolerance. That’s your ego! In fact, any negative emotion, or argument, is birthed by “I’m not good enough.” You are!
When you express your true feelings, your discomfort, and your dreams, you are refreshed and refueled … instead of drained! You are also loved. Because YOU are lovable. Grow out of your comfort zone and into yourself.
Don’t just live. Thrive!… More