If we want peace, we must trust love.
Love is brilliant, exacting, responsible, diligent. Love counts the cost, but has no fear of the consequences. It has no agenda and no political ties. It is unwavering, fearless, unifying, compassionate, and healing.
But love can’t be handed out. It can’t be put on or feigned. Love has to start within you and within me. We have to trust love enough to let go of our fear. Then, love can come from the inside out. And it can ignite the love in others.
It’s simple. It’s not easy. Many would rather take a pill, donate some money, or blame somebody else, somebody in a position of authority. But nobody has the authority to dictate love. Each one of us is given the privilege and the responsibility of choice.
We don’t have to play a big part, just our part. But we can trust that to be enough.… More