You may know how much I revel in massage. I look for value when I spend my time and money. And for me, it’s part of a healthy life. But never have I ever had a massage like the one I had last week.
As Ashley finished my neck, I heard myself say in an Oh-My-God voice, “I feel like you just gave me six grand finales on my neck.” Then, she asked if she could do the “meridian alignment” that she’d done once before. Again, I heard myself respond, “I’ll probably remember what it is, when you do it.”
As she was moving through that process, already crying, I said, “I’m gonna cry.”
I knew this was a sacred gift. I sat with it. I wondered … you know I did. I wanted to understand exactly why I cried, a first in response to a massage. And what I realized is that I felt known and cared for. I felt valued.
Somebody had taken the time, thought it was worth her time, to tune in to me. Yes, she was being paid for it. But as it turns out, no matter how much we’d like to, we can’t pay somebody to value us.… More