Love is never needy. It is born of desire. It needs nothing to make it whole. It IS whole. So, do we ever really NEED somebody?
As human beings, we strive for love and belonging. And while we can find love within, we want it WITH somebody. And without that connection, we cease to exist.
But, do we ever need a particular person? If we find a soulmate, do we need THAT person? Or might there be another?
Physically, we need air, water, and food. And sex is also a biological need; without it, we remain unborn and, as a race, fail to survive. Spiritually, though, we are eternal. We survive, regardless.
Oneness with a soulmate is also eternal. And … that oneness is vital to who I am. I don’t need a soulmate as something or somebody apart from me, or apart from love. I need a soulmate as a part of who I am. A soulmate is not an option I take on to satisfy a need. A soulmate was always mine, a part of me, and will always be mine.
Ah, but I am more than spirit. I am flesh. And as a human being, I want to scream, “I NEED you, and I so want you.”… More