Why do women withhold sex in a committed relationship? ๐
There’s more than one reason, right? In response to the question, I offer six of them:
1. Some women use sex as a path to marriage and/or children; and they’re less apt to “put out” after they’ve married and/or given birth.
2. Some use sex as a tool to get something else they want, withholding sex until they get it.
3. Likewise, some withhold sex as a form of punishment.
4. Some see sex as an investment in their relationship; and they stop investing when they become generally dissatisfied.
5. Some feel less attracted to their partner–or less sexual in general.
6. Some get their pleasure elsewhere.
A woman who has learned to love herself well no longer uses sex to manipulate her partner. And if she’s less interested in sex, she communicates that; but she doesn’t stop expressing her love. We can’t equate sex with love. But neither can we pretend to love a partner while withholding one of the most sacred expressions of that love. … More