When I am present, I am free of fear; in this moment, there is nothing to regret or worry about.
There is only fear and love; and fear is an illusion. Freedom from the illusion is here and now. … More
When I am present, I am free of fear; in this moment, there is nothing to regret or worry about.
There is only fear and love; and fear is an illusion. Freedom from the illusion is here and now. … More
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Men—and even women—have struggled for centuries to figure out what women want. It’s easier to tell you what they don’t want!
Women don’t want a coward. And the rest is up for grabs; it depends on the woman and her preferences. I know, that’s an unsophisticated response to Freud’s: “Despite my 30 years of research into the feminine soul, I have not been able to answer … the great question that has never been answered: What does a woman want?”
Stay with me, though. If a man’s courageous, he’s not intimidated by a woman’s intelligence. He appreciates her intuition. He’s not threatened by her emotions, however cyclical; and he’s not embarrassed by his own. He’s strong and vulnerable. He’s true to himself … and that means, according to Shakespeare, he’s true to her.
I could probably rest my case now; but as a woman, I like to talk, and I love to be heard.
We’re familiar with rejection in the context of sales, right? There’s even a story about a new-hire to sell life insurance. He was offered one dollar for every time somebody turned him down. With nothing to lose and a dollar to gain, he fearlessly approached as many prospects as he could.… More
It’s easy to say we just haven’t met the right person, but there’s a reason we haven’t! Therein lies the lesson, the gift, the moving forward.
Helping you through this lesson is my specialty! Text me for a one-on-one consultation or a live workshop in your area. … More
We are inspired by what we do and drained by the burden of what we postpone doing. Be inspired. … More
When we step back and witness our own life, we can see it from a more Godly, more loving, perspective.
That allows us to also live it with more awareness. It allows us to actually experience it with less pain and more joy. And it inspires us to exercise our own creative power. … More
Jan's program for the quest of a lifetime.
~ What love really is
~ Who you are, apart from the facade
~ What it actually looks like to love you
~ How it feels to exercise the freedom to be youClick to Read More
Are you ready to live your destiny?
Talk to Jan Live ... to discover more of your authentic self and live the life you are destined to live!
You can consult with Jan in person in Ocala, FL, or by phone (audio, Skype, or FaceTime). Call/text (386) 299-6256 or e-mail for more information or to schedule a consultation. Details for Paid Consultation