What do you really want to BE this year? When you truly know that, you will also know what you want to DO. And doing it will become second nature!
We’ve established that the best way to eat, exercise, or make love well is to get in the habit of doing it well. The easiest way to form a habit is with motivation. And the healthiest motivation is positive.
Don’t get caught up in what you should do, and don’t act from guilt or fear. Take care of yourself because you WANT to be a vibrant, healthy person–not because you’re afraid of dying. Get up in the morning and paint because you WANT to be a painter–not because you have to go to work, not because you should provide for your family.
If you can’t do what you’re doing because it’s a reflection of who you WANT to BE, take another look at what you’re doing. And if your resolutions for this year don’t reflect who you WANT to BE, reassess them…and your motivation.
Look at who you want to be–who you ARE at a core level–and ask yourself what that person would do that you’re not doing. Write down your answers.… More