“For a while, I thought everything was great! He doesn’t express himself, though. In a card, he writes “love,” but he has never said it. He never e-mails me and asks how I am, or says he can’t wait to see me.
I am starting to think this is not a complete relationship for me. If I am always wondering why he doesn’t just call to say I love you, or e-mail because he misses me, then maybe he doesn’t have those feelings for me.
He did tell me that nobody in his family showed much emotion, and his first wife used to complain about the lack of expression.
Please help me …”
My response:
I suggest you talk to your friend and explain what you have explained to me. Ask if he has “those feelings.”
What is lacking may point to what he’s not giving, but it also points to what you are not giving. That may seem hard to believe, BUT what you think is missing is the expression of his feelings. Are you expressing your feelings to him? Or are you mostly wondering, worrying, analyzing and investigating?
If you are openly expressing your feelings โ of concern and love โ it may be time to bow out.… More