If you want to learn how, I invite you to join me and an intimate group of 12 people on May 18 for an all-day retreat in Florida.
You can get more details and register on my website.… More
If you want to learn how, I invite you to join me and an intimate group of 12 people on May 18 for an all-day retreat in Florida.
You can get more details and register on my website.… More
You don’t have to wonder what YOUR PURPOSE is. You are a vessel for love. Your ordination is the very breath of God, the source of all love.
Follow what allows you to breathe more deeply, more fully, more completely. Be present. Do what enlivens you. Sit with what refreshes and restores you. You need not worry about WHAT you do; be aware of HOW you do it. Are you motivated by love or fear (greed, anger, vengeance, jealousy, etc.)?
And if you would help another to breathe, teach by example; you cannot breathe FOR him. You CAN love him as he is. THAT is your gift to give.… More
We instinctively want to shield children from trauma, which makes divorce a tough choice … but if your partnership is unhealthy, it also makes staying married a tough choice. You might find yourself trying to pick the lesser of two evils.
My husband and I lean in opposite directions — he toward the trauma of staying together; I toward the trauma of divorce. His parents divorced when he was very young; mine stayed together through thick and thin!
Your situation, of course, is unique, but you’re not alone. Fifty percent of first marriages and 67 percent of second marriages end in divorce. I believe some failing marriages can be saved … and I love to help revive them. Others, sadly, were unwisely entered into to begin with; and holding them together serves no one.
The ideal solution is for us to learn more about ourselves and relationships before committing for life! In the meantime, we have to make the best of what is.
If both partners want to save their marriage, it’s never too late for counseling. And if only one partner has the desire and the other one is willing to participate, there’s still hope.
One of the biggest challenges can be to reverse a decision that’s already been made to divorce.… More
According to a recent study, half of married/partnered women are dissatisfied with their sex life … and I’m guessing some of the other half were afraid to admit to it.
Our satisfaction — men’s and women’s — correlates with how much disparity there is between what we have and what we want. What’s not clear is what we really want versus what we’ve been programmed to want.
We can be preoccupied by what the media portrays pretty people as having, or what parents say is appropriate, or what somebody suggested was normal. And conflicting notions alone are enough to make us feel unsettled and dissatisfied.
Before marrying my first husband and having sex for the first time, I thought sex would be a spectacular, mystical experience. I imagined something, without any idea what, equivalent to fireworks, but it was years before I saw anything close. You may have thought you were alone in your disappointment, but I suspect you’re in the majority.
Our imaginations — though they lack details — are fueled by unrealistic love stories on silver screens. And it is no wonder that we choose those over the reality that we see in parents and other would-be role models.… More
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If you look closely at this piece of Chinese art, you’ll see a thumb print in the corner. It signifies the master’s deep respect and appreciation for the art.
And when I look at you, I see a thumbprint. God left his mark on you! And there is nothing you can do to change that. … More
Jan's program for the quest of a lifetime.
~ What love really is
~ Who you are, apart from the facade
~ What it actually looks like to love you
~ How it feels to exercise the freedom to be youClick to Read More
Are you ready to live your destiny?
Talk to Jan Live ... to discover more of your authentic self and live the life you are destined to live!
You can consult with Jan in person in Ocala, FL, or by phone (audio, Skype, or FaceTime). Call/text (386) 299-6256 or e-mail for more information or to schedule a consultation. Details for Paid Consultation