How do you know if you love yourself well?
Look in the mirror. Do you look like a well-loved child? Observe your behavior. Do you behave like a well-loved child?
And look within. Do you FEEL like a well-loved child? … More
How do you know if you love yourself well?
Look in the mirror. Do you look like a well-loved child? Observe your behavior. Do you behave like a well-loved child?
And look within. Do you FEEL like a well-loved child? … More
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It’s tempting to think that your life will be different when the economy shifts, Prince Charming finds you, or somebody else gets their act together. But YOUR life will be different when you change your thoughts.
Your thoughts determine how you feel. Your feelings inspire you to take action. And your actions get results.
T — Thoughts
F — Feelings
A — Actions
R — Results
Think love. It’s everything good. And so are you! … More
Sometimes we really believe that we’re striving for a loving relationship, when actually, we’re trying to get somebody else to conform to OUR IDEA of a loving relationship!
We can’t do their striving, or their growing. We can’t decide what they’re ready for. We can’t even decide what a loving relationship looks like for them!
It’s wonderful to persevere in aligning with love and creating a relationship that reflects YOU. Live your dream! But don’t do the dreaming for somebody else … and then try to get them to work at living it. Let go of your notion of what’s right for somebody else. And continue to revisit what’s right for you.
If you have to push too hard or cling too tightly, maybe it’s not for you. Love is work! It’s responsible and persistent work; but it feels like being true to yourself, not trying to squeeze into a pair of jeans, a party, or a relationship that doesn’t fit.
Not sure if you’re truly loving your partner or pushing YOUR idea of a loving relationship? You can’t be responsible for how your partner feels, but how he feels can be telling.
Does she feel respected OR disrespected by you?… More
It is in our stillness that we know who God is. We cannot sense God or get to know his nature while we are engaged in our ego’s doings.
And just as we must sit quietly and give our attention to God to know him, or anybody else, we must sit quietly with love to know love. God is love. And it is in our stillness that we make time and space for love. It is in our stillness that we learn to transcend time and space–and ego.
Photo by Sam from a walk at Silver Springs… More
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Jan's program for the quest of a lifetime.
~ What love really is
~ Who you are, apart from the facade
~ What it actually looks like to love you
~ How it feels to exercise the freedom to be youClick to Read More
Are you ready to live your destiny?
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You can consult with Jan in person in Ocala, FL, or by phone (audio, Skype, or FaceTime). Call/text (386) 299-6256 or e-mail for more information or to schedule a consultation. Details for Paid Consultation