The most excruciating pain of breaking up can often be attributed to a bruised ego.
And we need not personalize somebody else’s preference.
It cannot make us more or less than we are.… More
The most excruciating pain of breaking up can often be attributed to a bruised ego.
And we need not personalize somebody else’s preference.
It cannot make us more or less than we are.… More
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When’s the last time you tried something HE likes to do? Last time you grumbled because he was doing it?
Behavioral intimacy, or how much you like to do together, is one measure of compatibility. And you don’t really know if you like to jog, or golf, or play poker if you haven’t given it a fair chance. Try on his interests and enjoy the aspects that you can appreciate. You’ll learn more about what speaks to him, pleases him, energizes him, and relaxes him. You’ll understand him better, which makes it easier to love and accept him.
If you’re thinking, “Yeah right, like he’s going to take me jogging,” ask yourself why he wouldn’t. Maybe he assumes you’re not inclined to jog, because you have assumed you’re not. Why?
Then, think about what you would absolutely love to do and invite him to join you. If he declines, you can suggest an alternative, or do it without him. He might surprise you by accepting your invitation … and posing his own. If you want an invitation, don’t nag or complain; just give him one! Stay in touch with what nurtures you โ physically, mentally, or spiritually โ and share it.… More
The most satisfying partnership you can have is not about how much you do for each other. It IS about how much you are willing to learn from each other! Doing too much for each other can lead to co-dependency and feeling stuck.
Instead, challenge each other! You want to be the best you can be. The best partnership you can have is a byproduct of fulfilling that desire! … More
Jan's program for the quest of a lifetime.
~ What love really is
~ Who you are, apart from the facade
~ What it actually looks like to love you
~ How it feels to exercise the freedom to be youClick to Read More
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