You can’t win both the game and love …
From a reader: “A guy friend says to get a man, I need to dress up when I go about my daily errands.
Nice tight jeans, cleavage-baring shirt and make up, and off to the grocery store! While this makes some sense, it’s not me. I don’t wear makeup (maybe once a year, to a wedding). But, I would like to meet a nice man.
Do I really have to play the dress up game? I don’t think it’s right to present a painted up face when, in fact, I’m not like that on a day-to-day basis, but I’m told men expect it and everybody’s doing it. It’s a game!”
It’s a game all right — and it might even be a way to get a man, but not the man you want.
We all want to be loved down to the core. And that just can’t happen when we are buried beneath layers of “stuff” designed to make us more attractive or more acceptable. Many women and men are afraid to share — or look at, for that matter — who they really are. You’re not. Bravo!
The key to a satisfying relationship is intimacy, which is connection based on knowledge of each other.… More