Men — and even women — have struggled for centuries to figure out what women want. At times (yes, it’s cyclical), it seems there is no pleasing them with anything.
I could tell you what women want, but it occurs to me that it’s easier to tell you what they don’t want.
Women don’t want a fraidy cat. And the rest is up for grabs — it depends on the woman and her preferences. I know … that’s an unsophisticated response to Freud’s: “Despite my 30 years of research into the feminine soul, I have not been able to answer … the great question that has never been answered: What does a woman want?”
Stay with me, though. If a man’s not afraid, he’s not intimidated by a woman’s intelligence. He appreciates her intuition. He’s not threatened by her emotions, however cyclical; and he’s not embarrassed by his own. He’s strong and vulnerable. He’s true to himself … and that means, according to Shakespeare, he’s true to her.
I could probably rest my case now, but I have another 450 words.
You’ve probably heard how not being afraid of rejection works when you’re selling life insurance. There’s an old story about a man who was offered one dollar for every “no” he got.… More