When you’re caught up in the busyness or routine of everyday life, you might not think to give each other a massage, discover the stars together, or share your latest insight … unless you’re prompted by props. A little planning can ensure that you have ready space to engage, nurture, and affirm each other.
Here’s how it works. Think about the different aspects of you:
Behavioral — what do you like to do? Make sure your space makes it easy for you to smile, play Scrabble, sit in the garden, dance to old songs, bake brownies, or whatever. And don’t forget the props. Use solar lights in the garden that beckon you into the night, keep your favorite song at the touch of a button on the dinner table. Find repose in tradition, but don’t limit yourself to old standbys. Try out new interests — sing, paint, jog, or build something together.
Emotional — share what you’re feeling about you, your relationship, and life. The deeper the sharing, the deeper the connection. Set up a warm, comfy spot for just the two of you to talk. Make sure you’re facing each other and close enough to touch. You might use an art glass bowl or journal as a reminder to write love notes to each other.… More