I’ve discovered that what we most want can’t be forced. We don’t snag it by working harder or smarter. We don’t extend our reach by connecting with the right person. It’s not about money– no matter how much we try to make it about money. There is nobody to blame. And there is no valid excuse for not having what we want.
And, we don’t have everything we want right now. We will always be discovering more of our boundless capacity for greatness.
But here, now, we can realize that it is ALL ours in love. We can feel the truth and the enormity of our essence. We can get our arms and our barely-tapped-into brains around the reality that we are love. And everything we could possibly want, everything that serves us, is part of love. We have access to the collective resources.
When we truly get this, we also get that we have an awful lot to look forward to. We are just beginning to fathom the universe, the power of our intentions, and the realms of time and space that we’ve created.
So, how do we claim “more” of what is already ours? Simply be being fearless. Fear is the only restraint we have.… More