Jogging on the beach at sunrise in my bare feet, I can feel the truth. And I know that I am love. Fearless love. No doubt, no fear; but so much gratitude. And from now on, rather than remind myself that I have nothing to fear, I plan to express my gratitude for the deep knowing I feel. Sometimes my reminder, “Love is fearless,” implies that I forgot or that I fell short. But, “Thank you that I have nothing to fear,” expresses my peace in knowing.
And that knowing does, in fact, remind me that there is no threat to love, nothing to react to with anger, or impatience, or indignation. Fear wears many masks, but they all fall away in the face of love. And love is the only face I know as my feet press into the sand, splashing an ocean of water that glistens in the sun.
Love smiles on you.… More