Let’s beware the difference between discernment and judgment. I can discern that somebody is behaving in an unloving way. And when I do, I can love them anyway, even if I back away, rather than subject myself to their energy.
But if I feel negative emotion in me–not just in them–then I’m judging them. I do NOT feel negative emotion when I simply make an observation. I DO feel negative emotion if I personalize somebody else’s anger, opinion, or hatred. Then, I want to point out what’s wrong with them! If I truly know who I am, I also know it’s okay if they don’t.
It’s easy to accept others unconditionally when they’re humble and unassuming, when they’re gracious and loving. But THEY don’t help me gauge the purity of my “love.” Authentic love IS pure. And we know we have it, when we don’t struggle to love those who condemn us from a self-righteous sideline.
But don’t dismay. As long as we have an awareness of the struggle, we can be honest with our self about where we are and grow into our authentic self, authentic love.
Forever a student of love,… More