Life without that belief seems empty to me. You could argue (and I have) that I believe because I want to, because I can’t bear the thought of an empty or accidental existence. But I have evidence. It is both everywhere and nowhere, tangible and intangible. Einstein said, “There are two ways to live your life โ one is as though nothing is a miracle, the other is as though everything is a miracle.โ
This morning as I jogged, I got caught in the rain … and loved it! I raised my arms in surrender to the heavens; and rather than feeling like a prisoner, I felt like a freed bird!
The forces of nature are the forces of creation. Dare to run with them. Dance with them. Sing with them. Cry with them. Be still with them. And they will make a believer of you!
Life is neither empty nor random. Both the rain and the sun are faithful.… More