The ideal partner can offer a safe place for you to reveal and heal your wounds; but he (or she) can’t do it for you. And even if he could, he wouldn’t! He trusts you too much to think he needs to; and he loves you too much not to let you fly. … More
Wipe the slate clean … and go for consummate love!
For the best relationship ever, start with a clean slate. Wipe away the black marks and start fresh, aiming, once again, for consummate love. Only this time, do it with consummate love in clear view. Know what you’re going for, and you have a better shot at it.
According to Robert J. Sternberg, a psychologist and psychometrician of Cornell University, perfect love is a high level of intimacy, passion, and commitment.
• Intimacy: Psychological knowledge shared, and connection based on that knowledge
• Passion: Erotic attraction
• Commitment: The decision that a person loves another person and the commitment to maintain that love
It’s difficult to experience a high level of any one of the three if you focus on how you’ve been wronged or short-changed; and each one works to strengthen or weaken the others (see diagram below). Wiping the slate clean, on the other hand, allows you to immediately enjoy what you have and develop more of it.
I realize that a clean slate isn’t exactly something you can order online or have somebody else deliver; but relationships are about giving what you have. So give YOURSELF a clean slate. When you wipe yours clean, you wipe his clean, too!… More
Five steps to peace … see where you are on the path!
If you don’t want to take a vacation, you can stay home; but if you don’t want to go anyplace in your relationship, you can’t just stay put. You will move to a lower place, a hell of sorts.
Life doesn’t stand still; it either grows or dies. The same is true for your relationship. If you are not moving closer as partners, you are moving apart. There is no pause button.
So, where do you want to go in your relationship?
Here’s the map to heaven. Heaven or hell, you choose!
You are within a few steps of peace, or oneness, with yourself and your partner (plus the planet); and that is heaven. If peace seems to elude you, it is because you are stuck enroute. When you see where you are, you can navigate in the right direction; and when you see how close you are to peace, you will want to press on.
Five Steps to Peace
1. P-retending to Be What You Are Not
2. E-goic Striving
3. A-dmitting Dissonance and Confusion
4. C-oming Clean
5. E-xperiencing Ecstasy and Oneness
You Are Here … if you
Step 1 — Pretending to Be What You Are Not
•Simply conform to what’s expected
•Are pre-occupied with meeting your needs for survival
•Have resorted to merely escaping the pain of rejection
Step 2 — Egoic Striving
•Strive for more to prove your worth
•Worry about how others judge you
•Find excuses to take care of others, rather than yourself
Step 3 — Admitting Dissonance and Confusion
•Are confused about who you are
•Realize you feel disconnected
•See the humor in sitting down with a carton of ice cream
Step 4 — Coming Clean
•Choose to be your true self, regardless of
•Let go of control and risk “failure”
•Stop trying to be right and make others wrong
Step 5 — Experiencing Ecstasy and Oneness
•Feel radiant instead of flawed; look radiant instead of
•Feel connected instead of isolated or used
•Are virtually free of fear, stress, and negative emotion
Pretending to Be What You Are Not: Fear and your survival instinct kicked in when Mommy and Daddy wanted you to be something you weren’t naturally — even if it was just quiet—and the charade to win approval began.… More
Let go … and let magic happen!
Great things can happen when you’re in control; but magic only happens when you’re not! … More
Coming clean to get the love you want, from yourself and a partner …
We want to be loved down to the core, by somebody who knows every chink in our armor; but it may not occur to us that we must REMOVE the armor! We must face our wounded nakedness before we can actually share it, to feel thoroughly known and loved. We must also tend the wounds, beneath those chinks, in order to heal them. If we conceal anything at all, we don’t feel unconditionally loved. Many assume that you can’t tell a partner everything; but unless you do, you undermine love. What you have (or seem to have) is a facade; because intimacy, a connection based on what you know, is the foundation for authentic love. The more naked the knowledge, the deeper the connection, the roots, the foundation.
We are accustom to the armor, though. When we realized we were separate from Mother, and that she wouldn’t always be there, we learned to survive independent of her. That meant latching on to what was within our reach and, unfortunately, we embraced some false beliefs and self-destructive habits! We still abide by coping mechanisms that kept us alive and presumably sane, but no longer serve us. We defend our beliefs and our behavior, plugging holes in our armor, with distorted-as-necessary evidence.… More
There is a fairytale with your name on it, BUT …
The fairytale is a JOURNEY; and to live it requires deep KNOWING and BEING. To understand the fairytale is a start. To feel it is a step. To believe in it is a step. To practice it is a step. To persist in it is enough.
But when you think you have arrived, well, you’re wrong! … More
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