How many frogs do you have to kiss to find your prince (or princess)? I don’t know. But PLEASE don’t be afraid to find out! … More
Try again … regardless of the results!
It doesn’t matter if we’ve “failed” one time or one thousand times, it’s never, ever, ever too late to start again! And it’s not about the result; it’s about learning that it’s not! It’s about being true to yourself, regardless of the results! Life is “rigged” for us to “win.” And winning is simply aligning with our true self, with our essence of love, the law written on our hearts. When we do that, nothing else matters; but everything else is there! … More
Reach Higher …
If you’re looking for a partner to spend the rest of your life with and frequently find yourself disenchanted, consider raising the standard. I know, somebody else might suggest you lower it. Somebody else might tell you that you’re being too picky. But you wouldn’t really expect that from me, right?
We like the idea of wowing somebody in a relationship. It feels good! There’s an inherent problem in wowing somebody, though. It’s disenchantment. If he’s stunned by your brilliance, are you going to feel stimulated by his . . . for any length of time?
And, is he going to help you reach the next level — or encourage complacency? If he’s amazed by your incredible muscle tone, he might not be the rigorous workout partner you’re looking for. If she’s in awe of your pure heart, she’s not apt to discern a weak moment and help you get back on track.
If somebody is too impressed with who you are, beware of his standards. Consider her ability to keep your attention.
If you want somebody who will help inspire you to reach the next level, don’t look for somebody who’s overly impressed.
Of course, somebody can be wowed, without being wowed across the board.… More
Love of your life or infatuation?
Remember the first time you fell in love? Nothing else mattered! Because for the moment, love made it all disappear.
Life would be simpler if we could lie down and wait for a magical kiss — or even one of Cupid’s arrows — and then walk off into the sunset and live happily ever after. I had my heart set on something more closely resembling that than what I got; but as it turns out, simpler isn’t better.
Along the way, I’ve had my share (OK, more than my share) of magical kisses, arrows and sunsets. There’s a lot of ground between those and happily ever after, though, and it’s under-covered in love stories.
Chances are, the first time you “fell in love” is really the first time you got infatuated. And infatuation is irrational and short-lived!
It feels bigger than life, though, like the moon and the stars, and everything you ever wished for all wrapped up in a titillating package that you can actually get your arms around! Well, temporarily.
When infatuation strikes, it’s generally unfounded; so, unless you move quickly to put a foundation under it, it fizzles. And, let’s face it, you’re way too busy making googly eyes to build a foundation.… More
Be present …
May we be present for the glory in each moment, rather than distracted by doubting how well God will play His role! He’s got it!… More
Remember the common goal …
I spoke with a customer support rep in India yesterday. I could barely understand his English, and I thought it would be so much easier if I could just talk to somebody who spoke MY language! Customer service issues are great lessons in Love School, because we’re already vulnerable to frustration.
That’s often the case in our relationships, as well! And we react to a partner much the same way! Without realizing it, we may think it would be so much easier if they just spoke our language, if they just understood what we were saying, because we’re pretty convinced we’re right. But the problem may not be their language or lack of understanding. The problem may be our own faulty perception that the differences interfere with reaching the common goal!
And that’s exactly what I realized during my conversation with Monage yesterday! I explained it to him; and I think he understood. It doesn’t matter, though. He was perfectly competent to help me. And I owned my lesson out loud. … More
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