We can’t make anybody else happy; but we can love them for who they are inside. And if when we do that, they look to see what we find lovable, they will find themselves.
Voila! Happiness! We can’t force it; but we can point to it.… More
We can’t make anybody else happy; but we can love them for who they are inside. And if when we do that, they look to see what we find lovable, they will find themselves.
Voila! Happiness! We can’t force it; but we can point to it.… More
You know all those little things that nag you about your partner? They add up to something big that haunts you and your relationship.
You can sift them through love one at a time. Love’s honesty will filter the blame. Love’s light will transform judgement into understanding and acceptance. Love’s hope will catch the doubt, it’s accountability will check complacency, it’s compassion will ease the pain.
And when you keep your life full of love, there is no room for even a “little” nagging to settle in.
Love won’t make you compatible; but it will give compatibility a chance! … More
When my partner says or does something that triggers my wound, it is an opportunity for me to heal the wound.
I don’t heal the wound by rationalizing it, or band aiding it. I must dig into the wound, allowing light to shine on what was dark. I must understand what caused the wound, and forgive what caused it. I must know and accept the wound as part of me, not as something that defines me or limits me, but as something that propels me to know a richer and more meaningful life.
Then, if the wound is triggered again, it is because I shared more of myself, and let somebody closer. I can, with appreciation for the process, dig deeper and heal another layer of woundedness. And I can do it as long as I live, as long as I am willing to grow. … More
When we have truly forgiven ourselves, we can forgive others. It’s when we haven’t faced our own darkness, that the darkness in others seems to scream for our judgment. … More
When two people are happy together, it’s mostly because they are also happy alone. If you want to know if you can be happy with somebody, look to see if you can be happy alone, look to see if he/she can be happy alone. Then, get to know each other really well. That makes loving each other easier; and it helps you determine compatibility. … More
Sometimes we forget the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning. And we hold the power to strike the light, to be the light. … More
Jan's program for the quest of a lifetime.
~ What love really is
~ Who you are, apart from the facade
~ What it actually looks like to love you
~ How it feels to exercise the freedom to be youClick to Read More
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