It can be just as tempting to squeeze yourself into a man’s (or a woman’s) mold for you as it is to squeeze yourself into the latest fall fashions. Okay, maybe it’s more tempting! Hold your ground, though. Let relationships — and clothes — enhance who you are, rather than try to change who you are.
If you love to wiggle your toes, don’t get all cramped up in pointed boots; and whatever you do, don’t stifle your magic with his (or her) constraints. Maybe it doesn’t sound like something you’d do. You’re an independent woman of the world, right? That doesn’t mean you don’t act like a puppy dog in a relationship! You have, probably within the last week, feigned pleasure in something, rather than disappoint him … and if that seems harmless, imagine the burden of keeping up a façade for the rest of your life.
You might not even realize you do it; but remember when you really wanted a salad and ended up fixing burgers? Or maybe you were so ready to get a good night’s sleep when you accommodated his sexual move instead. Or maybe you watch movies you find shallow, walk when you feel like skipping, wait for him to say, “I love you,” or bite your tongue during still another vacation with the in-laws.… More